Newborn photos are about more than just cute poses — although that's what we're after here! Your baby's safety is the forefront of every moment with me. I've taken training on posing and wrapping babies to better serve my littlest clients. An assistant is present at all posed newborn sessions in my studio. Parents may be asked to assist on any precarious poses done on their sessions without my assistant present.
You want photos of your baby in a laid back way. This cozy, at-home session type is perfect for you! Sessions are shot in the best lit room in your home. We will document your baby in their nursery and with all immediate family. Even pets if you so wish! These sessions last around an hour. Travel to your home is included within 30 miles of Bluffton.
Are you after a lifestyle type session without being in your own home? Wrapped sessions are done in the studio with a couple of wraps and prop containers. These sessions still include images with parents and siblings and have the option of using a couch! Laid back feel of lifestyle but professional setting of the studio - also lasting about an hour.
Give me all the foldy, squishy baby poses! This session is for you! Posed sessions include naked baby posing and wrapped poses. These are customizable to your preference but are mostly led by what baby is comfortable doing. A posing assistant is present at all times for baby's safety! These sessions last 3-4 hours.
To best prepare for your newborn session, I do have a few tips.
- Babies are most comfortable in very warm temperatures. Especially for posed sessions, I keep my room in the high 80's. Keep that in mind if you get warm easily.
- Waiting to feed your newborn right before we begin your session creates a full, sleepy babe!
- I do ask you try to keep your baby awake for 45 minutes to an hour before your session. I know this sounds impossible! But stimulating baby with a bath or tickling their feet, even undressing them if possible can help them expend their energy so they are OUT for their session!
- If you opt for a posed session, I will warn you it's not unusual to spend the first couple hours helping baby expend their energy to fall asleep. This is completely normal, but can go faster if you can follow all the tips I've laid out here.
Images with parents and siblings (if applicable) are included with any newborn session. Please be sure to be dressed in an outfit you feel comfortable being photographed in. I find solid, neutral colors work best to help baby stand out. Try to refrain from shirts with writing on them as well. Please remove all nail polish or neutral only.
Lastly, please remember every baby and every session is different. We can try our best to get a sleepy babe, but some days they just want to party with us! Awake photos can be just as adorable as sleeping ones!
Any newborn session will have a private online gallery with all edited images within 2 weeks after the session. You may order professional prints through your gallery or download your images and print at the company of your choosing. A print release will be provided with your session!
These are the typical poses done for posed sessions. You can request a few poses or request to skip some poses too. However, I do follow baby's lead for their session. If your little one doesn't feel comfortable attempting a pose, I'll move on in the posing flow.
I have several color options for backdrops and wraps. Most of these can be used for any prop photos or posed photos. I do often bring my wraps to lifestyle sessions just to have a variety to offer. You're welcome to share what colors you prefer for your session!